Prototyping Tools

Breadboard Power Supply Stick 5V/3.3V
Breadboard Power Supply Stick 5V/3.3V
  • Model: SF10804
  • Shipping Weight: 0.05Kg
  • Units in Stock: 1
  • Manufactured by: SparkFun


Details: This is a very simple board that takes a 6-12V input voltage and outputs a selectable 5V or 3.3V regulated voltage. All headers are 0.1" pitch for simple insertion into a breadboard.

Input power can be supplied to either the DC barrel jack or the two pin header labeled + and -. Output power is supplied to the pins labeled GND and VCC. Board has both an On/Off switch and a voltage select switch (3.3V/5V).

The two pairs of GND and VCC holes are spaced such that when connected to our Basic Breadboard both power busses will be powered.